Project management
Council of Ministers
Carrying out an analysis and development of a methodology for monitoring and evaluating the impact of policies in Bulgaria, and conducting a public consultation, member of Consortium “Analysis”, (2018-2019)
Council of Ministers
Provision of consulting services on the evaluation of the impact of normative acts in the field of finance and state administration – Law on state financial inspection, Law on public finances, Law on finance management and control in the public sector, Law on municipal debt, Law on administration and Civil servant law, (2019-2020)
Council of Ministers
Mid-term evaluation of the progress of the implementation of priority axes 1, 2 and 3 of the Operational Programme “Good governance” 2014-2020, (2019-2020)
Ministry of Economy and Energy
Mid-term evaluation of the implementation of grant schemes under Priority Axis 1 “Development of a Knowledge-based Economy and Innovation Activities” and Priority Axis 2 “Increasing the efficiency of enterprises and promoting a supportive business environment” of Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” 2007-2013, member of Consortium “ICAP GLOBAL 2”, (2011)
Ministry of Economy
Consultancy support and expertise related to ongoing evaluations under grant contracts of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 and Operational Program “Small and Medium Enterprises Initiative“ 2014-2020, (2016-2017)
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Activities for performing of pilot risk assessments at institutional and project level, transfer of experience and good practices and further development of risk assessment methodologies at institutional and project level, member of Consortium “Global Advisers – I.T.M.C.”, (2009)
Ministry of Finance
Monitoring and an evaluation of the implementation and effect of the Communication plan of the Operational Programme “Administrative capacity”, (2012-2013)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Evaluation of the integrated approach of improving the quality of life and sustainable integration of the most marginalized communities by Priority Axes 1, 4, 5 and 6 of Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, (2018)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of measures to promote self-employment and entrepreneurship under Priority Axis 1 of Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013, (2018-2019)
Agency for Social Assistance
External evaluation of the quality of the Operational Programme for Food and/or basic material assistance under the Fund for European Aid to the most deprived, (2019-2020)
Executive Agency “Programme Education”
Evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of procedures aimed directly or indirectly at marginalized groups such as the Roma, under Priority Axis 3 “Educational environment for active social inclusion” of the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014 – 2020, (2022-2023)
Council of Ministers
Provision of consultancy services for the development of draft regulations for conducting a new fee policy in implementation of project “Fee policy in relation with public relations – a condition for good governance”, realized with the financial support of the OP “Administrative capacity”, co-financed by the EU through the European Social Fund, member of Consortium “Impact”, (2014)
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Specialized Legal Services for the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme “Regions in Growth” 2014-2020 and Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013 (Specialized legal assistance for the administration of irregularity signals by drafting of reports on signal processing and related draft letters to the respective beneficiary under Operational Programme “Regions in Growth” 2014-2020 and Operational Program “Regional Development” 2007-2013, (2016-2018)
Ministry of Health
Conducting an analysis of the „Health” sector in the field of State aid, (2017)
Ministry of Justice
Analysis of data collected through the ENIPP, identification of key criminogenic factors and trends and definition of the current state of the criminological environment member of Consortium “Global Econometrica”, (2018)
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
Consultation services for the preparation of official standpoints, analyses, contracts, documents, proposals for changes in the applicable regulations related to the management, maintenance and operation of the water and sewage systems and the provision of water supply services member of Consortium “Global Aquecon“, (2018-2020)
Public Enterprises and Control Agency
Carrying out an analysis of the character and activities of the established by special laws under Art. 62, para. 3 of the Commercial Law state enterprises, (2020)
Supreme Judicial Council
Provision of consulting services for optimizing the judicial map implemented under project “Creating a model for optimization of the judicial map of the Bulgarian district courts and district prosecutor’s offices and developing a Unified Information System of the judicial courts”, financed by the Operational Programme “Good Governance” 2014-2020, (2019-2021)
Central Finance and Contracting Unit, Turkey
Carrying out compliance audit (reviewing preliminary accreditation) on behalf of the Competent Accreditation Body and the National Officer of Republic of Turkey regarding the IPARD accreditation (member of Consortium with Grant Tornton Ltd.), (2010)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Science
“Audit of operations and an independent financial audit of the implementation of projects “Student stipends and prizes”, „Supporting the introduction of delegated budgets” „Development of a system for assessment and quality control of middle education in Bulgaria”, member of Consortium “AE Consortium”, (2009-2011)
Sofia Municipality, Bankya District
Carrying out an audit of the project “Construction of engineering infrastructure of the water supply and sewerage network of Bankya and of the districts Gradoman, Mihaylovo, Verdikal and Ivanyane, Bankya – main sewerage collectors and replacement of existing water pipelines falling on their routes”, (2013-2015)
Burgas Municipality
Audit on implementation of activities and reporting of expenses under the project “Construction of a regional waste management system in Burgas region”, financed under Operational Program “Environment” 2007 – 2013, (2012-2015)
Montana Municipality
Audit of the implementation of the investment project “Extension and rehabilitation of the sewerage and water supply networks of Montana”, (2013-2015)
Sliven Municipality
Providing consultancy services for the implementation of project: „Audit of the project “Integrated project for the water cycle of the city of Sliven”, (2013-2015)
Tundzha Municipality
Financial audit on the implementation of the activities and reporting on the costs of the project “Construction of a sewage system with WWTP, Tenevo Village, Tundzha Municipality” implemented by Tundzha Municipality and realized with the financial support of Operational Programme “Environment” 2007 – 2013, co-financed by the European Union through the Cohesion Fund, member of DZZD “Active Advisers”, (2011 – 2015)
Human Resource Development Center
Performing an internal audit activity at the Center for Human Resources Development, on the grounds of Art. 12, para. 5 of the Law on Internal Audit in the Public Sector, (2016-2018)
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
Carrying out audit services under Priority Axis 1 and 3 of the Operational Programme “Human Resource Development” 2014-2020, (2019-2021)
Executive Agency “Certification audit of European agriculture funds”
Assisting Executive Agency “Certification audit of European agriculture funds” in carrying out a detailed review of the operational transactions, for the purposes of conducting the annual certification audit for the fiscal year 2016, (2016)
Project management
Project management
Suvorovo Municipality
Support for organization and management of project: “Technical assistance for the preparation of an investment project: “Completion of the sewage network system and replacement of the existing water supply network system – town of Suvorovo”, financed under Priority axis 1 of the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013”, co-financed by the EFRD and the EU Cohesion fund, (2009)
Peshtera Municipality
Support for organization and management of project: “Technical assistance for the preparation of an investment project: “Modernization and integration of a water cycle for the town of Peshtera – Completion and rehabilitation of the existing water supply and sewage network system and construction of a waste water treatment plant, town of Peshtera”, financed under Priority axis 1 of the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013”, co-financed by the EFRD and the EU Cohesion fund, (2009-2010)
Ugarchin Municipality
Support for organization and management of project: “Technical assistance for the preparation of an investment project: “Completion, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the water supply and sewage network system and construction of a waste water treatment plant, town of Ugarchin”, financed under Priority axis 1 of the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013”, co-financed by the EFRD and the EU Cohesion fund, (2009-2010)
Iskar Municipality
Support for organization and management of project: “Technical assistance for the preparation of an investment project: “Completion, reconstruction and rehabilitation of the water supply and sewage network system and construction of a waste water treatment plant, town of Iskar”, financed under Priority axis 1 of the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013”, co-financed by the EFRD and the EU Cohesion fund, (2010)
High school of natural sciences and mathematics “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Consultation services related to the financial and technical reporting of project “Collective education”, preparing documentation and carrying out of procedures according to the Law of Public Procurements, financed by e INTERREG V-A Romania – Bulgaria (project “Collective Education”, INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme), project code:, e-MS CODE ROBG-188”, (2018-2021)
Ruzhintsi Municipality
Consultancy services for the management and reporting of project “Reconstruction and development of new areas of the inner water supply network of the villages Belo Pole and Ruzhintsi”, (2020-2021)
Kavarna Municipality
Management of project “Reconstruction and rehabilitation of municipal roads on the territory of Kavarna Municipality”, financed by the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 г., financed by the EU through EAFRD, (2018-2020)